About Us


Have with a Lily pup and Cali looking at the pups in the pen


 View from our property in Egerton, N. S.


Me with Bree and Ranger at Chance Harbor, N. S.


Both my husband, Havelock, and I were born, grew up and in 1971, were married in Nova Scotia. His career in retail took us as far as Ontario in one direction, to Newfoundland in another and back to Ontario where he left Woolworths in 1982 and we signed on with Giant Tiger Stores Ltd.  We opened Store #26 in Campbellford, Ontario where we lived, raised our family and wer introduced to vizslas.  After 25 years, we retired from Giant Tiger on August 1st and moved "back home" in 2008. We are now living in Egerton, N. S. which explains our kennel name.

TIGGER (1985 - 1997)

Although I have owned dogs all my life, we did not get our first Vizsla until 1985. Tess's Flaming Topaz Tigress came to us just before Christmas and was Have's dog. Tigger joined our family of four human children, one American Cocker Spaniel, a Gerbil and a number of tropical fish.  Needless to say, she spoiled us for any other breed so when we lost her in 1997 we were without a dog (for the first time in my life) for two years.



When we bought Tig, we knew nothing about the breed other than when Have went bird hunting with her breeder, the spaniel came home covered in burrs, seeds in her eyes and not a happy camper while the vizsla looked like she could go in the show ring with just a little wipe down.  We were invited to see some cute vizsla pups and bought one. When got the opportunity to bring another  Vizsla into our lives,we went to meet the breeder armed with a list of questions I obtained from the internet. The breeder took these questions to mean I wanted a career for my girl and when Lil was 7 months old, she introduced us to a professional gun dog trainer. When we saw our baby on point, we were hooked - she was getting her field titles. Over the course of time, we developed a friendship with thetrainer and when Lily was two and a half years old, she encouraged me to show her in confirmation. What an exciting experience that was - even though we did not get any points that first time out, I could hardly wait to go again! The pro had put a NAVHDA natural ability Prize 111 on her as well as her Field Dog Junior and Field Dog titles, but I was unbelievably proud to have handled her to her Conformation Championship. Since then, I have started/finished Championships on many of my dogs, putting the really special ones with professional handlers.  

I will forever be grateful for the guidance of Liz, our field trainer, for encouraging me to title our dog in field and show and for mentoring me in starting a breeding program.  


Our commitment is first and foremost to the breed. It is our intention to breed only those dogs that meet our standards for temperament and health. Studs will be chosen to compliment and/or improve our current bloodlines. We put Conformation titles on all our dogs used in our breeding program and whenever possible, a field title as well.  All dogs owned by us and used in our breeding program are OFA tested and have earned a CHIC #.  When studs from other kennels are used, they must meet the minimum requirements put forth by Vizsla Canada.  To the best of our ability, we will be available as a resource for puppy buyers for the life of the dog. We will offer a contract that is fair to both buyer and seller, while putting the welfare of the dog first (see Puppy Contract).

Breeding for Versatility
Our Conformation Champions hold Field Titles