On this date, _____________________ the puppy (tattoo/microchip number) ___________________
Sex: ________________ , Birth Date: ________________
Sire: ___________________________________________ CKC/AKC registration #: ___________________________
Dam:___________________________________________ CKC/AKC registration #: ___________________________
Was sold by Mabel Bingley, Egerton Reg'd Vizslas (the breeder) to:
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: _________________________________________________
For the purchase price of $ ___________________ Buyer understands that if the puppy is returned to the breeder for any reason, 1/2 of deposit is non refundable.
- At the time of sale, the breeder guarantees the above mentioned puppy is healthy and has received its first immunization vaccinations. The puppy is free of parasites and has been micro chipped as per Canadian Kennel Club regulations.
- The breeder will provide the owner with a Canadian Kennel Club registration certificate as soon as available from the CKC.
- The breeder guarantees this puppy for* life threatening* genetic problems of the hips, *heart and eyes*. If the puppy is determined to possess a *life threatening* problem of the hips, *heart and eyes* by the age of 2 years, the breeder will replace the puppy from the next available litter (as long as she is still an active breeder) subject to confirmation of the defect by a veterinarian of the breeder’s choice at the owner’s expense. All inoculations must be up to date with certificates. If the buyer does not follow the spacing of vaccines as provided by the breeder, the guarantee is void, this includes combining other medications with vaccines or giving other medications too close to vaccines. The buyer agrees never to allow Corona vaccine to be given to this puppy.
- The buyer agrees to wait until puppy is at least 18 months old before spaying or neutering to allow growth plates time to close.
- To the best of the breeder's ability, she will be available for consultation for the life of the puppy.
- If at any time the owner cannot continue to care for this Vizsla, the owner will return the dog to the breeder. Every effort will be made to place the dog in an appropriate home. Cost to the new owner will be out of pocket expenses for the breeder for change of registration, vet check to bring vaccinations up to date and retraining if necessary.
- The buyer will have the puppy vet-checked by a board-certified veterinarian within 72 hours of purchase.
- The buyer agrees to take the puppy to at least 1 6 - 8 week course in obedience. This is very important for socialization.
- The buyer agrees that he/she will abide by the CKC Non-Breeding contract and/or this contract and understands copies of the following must be sent to the breeder before this Non-Breeding contract can be lifted:
- CKC Conformation title and one other CKC working title
- OFA Certification of Hips, Heart, Thyroid and Eyes
- Copy of the pedigree dog/bitch is being bred to. Based on compatibility of pedigrees, breeder reserves the right to refuse the breeding. Under no other circumstances will this contract be lifted.
Signed (Owner)______________________________________________________
Signed (Owner)_______________________________________________________
Signed (breeder) _____________________________________________________
Mabel Bingley, Egerton, NS B0K 1G0
(902)926-2218 (902)396-8353 email: egertonvizslas@hotmail.com