GRAND CHAMPION MBIS BISS CH Egerton's Atlantic Red Ranger FDJ NAVHDA Prize I
Sep 18 2024 Possible Puppies
GCh Braemarsrose East Coast Connection aka EDDY has been bred to Ch Harbourpoint Egerton's Time To Shine, FDJr aka EMMY LOU. We have an appointment for ultra sound on Oct 9, 2024 to confirm if breeding was successful. While we have used Eddy successfully in our breeding program, this will be Emmy Lou's first Litter. Both are OFA certified for Hips, Elbows, Eyes, Heart and Thyroid and have earned CHIC numbers. Eddy's hips tested Fair, Emmy's tested Excellent and all other tests on both were Normal. Results can be confirmed on by searching for their Registered names. Copies of titles earned and OFA certifications are included in your puppy package along with copies of titles earned by mom and dad as well as a copy of the CKC pedigree.
Apr 12 2024 Eddy & Gracie Puppies Have Arrived
We have a female puppy available from this litter. Email us at to inquire.
Apr 06 2024 Eddy & Gracie Puppies Have Arrived
On April 2, 2024 Gracie presented us with 8 new babies, 4 boys and 4 girls! This is a repeat breeding from last year which produced our Lily Mae. If you are interested in these or future litters, please email me directly at We are working on a new website to replace this one.
Jun 26 2023 Magic and Henri Puppies Have Arrived on June 22, 2023
Magic, being the sweetheart that she is, whelped 9 pups in just a little over 4 hours and she did it in the afternoon! We have 5 handsome boys and 4 beautiful little girls. We do have 1 handsome boy available. Follow us on Facebook to keep abreast of how they grow and change from one week to the next. Contact me at to inquire.

Magic, being the sweetheart that she is, whelped 9 pups in just a little over 4 hours and she did it in the afternoon! We have 5 handsome boys and 4 beautiful little girls. We do have 1 handsome boy available.

Follow us on Facebook to keep abreast of how they grow and change from one week to the next.

Contact me at to inquire.

May 30 2023 Magic and Henri Puppies expected!
Today we got the best news! Magic had her ultra sound and is pregnant. We had a very stressful time when FED EX did not deliver our shipment of semen from Quebec in a timely fashion. When it finally arrived 3 days late, I opened package and found the ice packs still partially frozen so as per Dr Mitchell's instruction, I removed the ice packs and put them in the freezer storing the remainder of the package in the fridge. Very early the next morning we packaged it all up again and made the 4 hour drive to PEI to have Magic inseminated with the semen. Dr Mitchell let me look at all the sperm still swimming around and knowing my boys were still crying to have a "date" with her before we left for the island, we prayed all would go well. 5 weeks later she is for sure pregnant! Watch our Egerton Vizsla Facebook for progress pictures of Magic and for the puppy announcement when the little MagicHenri babies make their appearance into the world!
Feb 17 2023 2023 Here We Come
With all the restrictions for COVID the past few years, our breeding program was cut way back. We did very little participating in events although we did put a Championship on Magic and Eddy, Emmy Lou needs 5 more points. You will see her in the ring this spring expertly handled by Kyle Manuel and Eddy will be out to get the 2 more points he needs to complete his Grand Championship. The biggest news of all is that we have two litters on the ground. Mazie and Gracie came into season at the same time so we have a planned litter with Skipper and Mazie and an unplanned litter with Gracie. We currently have 15 beautiful puppers on the ground, 8 for Mazie and 7 for Gracie. I do have many applications from before and during COVID to go through before I know if I have anything available. For sure there are no females, possibly 1 male may be available. So Happy New Year everyone, we look forward to seeing you out and about!

With all the restrictions for COVID the past few years, our breeding program was cut way back. We did very little participating in events although we did put a Championship on Magic and Eddy, Emmy Lou needs 5 more points. You will see her in the ring this spring expertly handled by Kyle Manuel and Eddy will be out to get the 2 more points he needs to complete his Grand Championship.

The biggest news of all is that we have two litters on the ground. Mazie and Gracie came into season at the same time so we have a planned litter with Skipper and Mazie and an unplanned litter with Gracie. We currently have 15 beautiful puppers on the ground, 8 for Mazie and 7 for Gracie.

I do have many applications from before and during COVID to go through before I know if I have anything available. For sure there are no females, possibly 1 male may be available.

So Happy New Year everyone, we look forward to seeing you out and about!

Jan 03 2022 Happy New Year! Welcome 2022 .....
It has been a year! COVID is still affecting our lives negatively, interfering with the fun events we love to do with our dogs and our freedom to visit those we love. 2021 was an up and down year, we lost our sweet Danica in Jan, Mazie gave birth to her first litter, 5 pups, in Feb (Ch Egerton's Amazing Gift of Love, FDJ x GCh Redrun's Revolution, FDJ, WDJ) from which we kept our Magic and we bought Eddy from Braemarsrose in May. We managed to get to a few shows, Magic (Ch Egerton's Voodoo Magic) finished her Championship at 7 months of age in 3 weekends of showing, including a Best Puppy In Group. Eddy (Braemarsrose East Coast Connection) only got one weekend in, he picked up 3 points and a Best Puppy In Show! Gracie bean gave us a litter of 6 in September, a first litter for both she and the Skipper! (Ch Egerton's Que Sera Sera x GCh Harbourpoint Egerton Moonraker, FDJ, WDJ). We were very disappointed in a breeding, surgical AI using our only sperm from Ch Egerton's Bold Red Flyer, FDJ with our Ivy Rose (Ch Egerton's Our Wild Irish Rose) - no pups. While we were not able to travel, we did get a visit from our children which we all enjoyed so much. As we go into 2022, we are thankful for so many things in our lives and look forward to spending time with family, friends and our dogs. Take Care everyone and stay safe!
Oct 12 2020 Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello everyone, so hard to believe summer is gone and fall has arrived with lots of wind and rain. A second wave of COVID is happening in many provinces, so far we in NS are ok but we are at risk of losing our Atlantic Bubble with NB are some areas, including Moncton, are CODE Orange. Richard and I are supposed to go to Moncton this month to have the eye checks done on Rumour, Star and Skipper, fingers crossed. Gracie has completed all her health checks and has received her OFA CHIC #. Hips are Good. Eyes: Clear Heart, Thyroid and Elbows are normal. Since Dr Carnegy has retired, Dr Orr is doing once a month heart clinics. We were fortunate to get our health checks done on a day he was there so had Skipper's heart certification done at the same time. No puppies for us so far, Fern refused to stand for Amico, guess she did not want to have COVID pups. We are waiting for Ivy Rose and Gracie to come in season and both girls will be bred. We do have a very long list of applications. This year we are so thankful for the love and support of our family and friends. We are grateful for the wonderful puppy owners who include our pups as part of their family and we are so very thankful to live where we so. Stay safe everyone!

Hello everyone, so hard to believe summer is gone and fall has arrived with lots of wind and rain. A second wave of COVID is happening in many provinces, so far we in NS are ok but we are at risk of losing our Atlantic Bubble with NB are some areas, including Moncton, are CODE Orange. Richard and I are supposed to go to Moncton this month to have the eye checks done on Rumour, Star and Skipper, fingers crossed. Gracie has completed all her health checks and has received her OFA CHIC #. Hips are Good. Eyes: Clear Heart, Thyroid and Elbows are normal. Since Dr Carnegy has retired, Dr Orr is doing once a month heart clinics. We were fortunate to get our health checks done on a day he was there so had Skipper's heart certification done at the same time.

No puppies for us so far, Fern refused to stand for Amico, guess she did not want to have COVID pups. We are waiting for Ivy Rose and Gracie to come in season and both girls will be bred. We do have a very long list of applications.

This year we are so thankful for the love and support of our family and friends. We are grateful for the wonderful puppy owners who include our pups as part of their family and we are so very thankful to live where we so.

Stay safe everyone!

Jun 17 2020 JUNE UPDATE
We are all most half way through 2020 and COVID has changed everything! Our last litter left for their forever homes in March. Ms Mazie must have decided she did not want to have COVID Puppies as we are still waiting for her to come in season. We are getting a record number of applications for puppies, a lot of folks who are working from home feel it is a good time to train. We caution everyone to think about how much time they will have for that puppy once things return to normal before rushing into anything. Our little Gracie, 2 years old last month, has an appointment to have her health checks done in July. So happy to see things starting to open up again. Hopefully everything will come back OFA certified and she will be added to our breeding program. We are also planning to breed both Fern and Ivy Rose in the fall - depending on timing of heat cycles. Our Atlantic Pointing Breed Group is so far still planning on holding our Field Tests and Water Tests in the fall, of course all dependent on the C0VID situation. Darren at Firefly Kennels has started Field Training by appointment. I am not sure if Andy has started with water training yet or not. Enjoy the summer folks and stay safe!

We are all most half way through 2020 and COVID has changed everything! Our last litter left for their forever homes in March. Ms Mazie must have decided she did not want to have COVID Puppies as we are still waiting for her to come in season. We are getting a record number of applications for puppies, a lot of folks who are working from home feel it is a good time to train. We caution everyone to think about how much time they will have for that puppy once things return to normal before rushing into anything.

Our little Gracie, 2 years old last month, has an appointment to have her health checks done in July. So happy to see things starting to open up again. Hopefully everything will come back OFA certified and she will be added to our breeding program. We are also planning to breed both Fern and Ivy Rose in the fall - depending on timing of heat cycles.

Our Atlantic Pointing Breed Group is so far still planning on holding our Field Tests and Water Tests in the fall, of course all dependent on the C0VID situation. Darren at Firefly Kennels has started Field Training by appointment. I am not sure if Andy has started with water training yet or not.

Enjoy the summer folks and stay safe!

Dec 19 2019 Puppies for 2020!
It is hard to believe another year is almost done. In March it will be 16 years since Lily presented us with our first litter! In January our Danica, Lil's Great Grand Daughter and Amico, Lil's Great, Great Grandson will be presenting us with a litter. This will be Dani's last litter, she will have a well deserved retirement. Dani's daughter Gracie was entered in the show ring and finished her Canadian Championship in just two weekends. Thank you to handlers Chelby Marling & Kyle Ace (Ace Dawg House) and to Natasha Holloway for an excellent job. Our new kid on the block, The Skipper was phenomenal! His first weekend in the ring with Kyle Manuel was in the Baby Puppy Class where he earned 4 straight Baby Puppy in Groups. Needless to say, we were thrilled and Kyle had a new client! In 24 shows he was undefeated at breed level finishing his Canadian Championship in his first weekend of showing a just 6 months old, earning many Best Puppy in Group as well as a Group 2nd, 3rd and many Group 4ths and a Best Puppy In Show!. In his next 7 shows he did not have competition at breed level (so still undefeated). I had the pleasure of handling him at the Water tests in Sept and at 7 months old he earned his Water Dog Jr title with 3 out of 4 passes. The following two days, Sat and Sun, handled by Darren Miller, he had 4/4 passes in the Field Tests earning his Field Dog Jr title. Can't wait to see what 2020 brings for this young man. Havelock and I, along with our fur babies will begin a new chapter in our lives as we will be putting our beautiful home in Egerton on the market and looking for something smaller and easier to maintain, but still with some property for the dogs to run. Wishing all of you and your fur babies a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a safe and Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe another year is almost done. In March it will be 16 years since Lily presented us with our first litter! In January our Danica, Lil's Great Grand Daughter and Amico, Lil's Great, Great Grandson will be presenting us with a litter. This will be Dani's last litter, she will have a well deserved retirement. Dani's daughter Gracie was entered in the show ring and finished her Canadian Championship in just two weekends. Thank you to handlers Chelby Marling & Kyle Ace (Ace Dawg House) and to Natasha Holloway for an excellent job. Our new kid on the block, The Skipper was phenomenal! His first weekend in the ring with Kyle Manuel was in the Baby Puppy Class where he earned 4 straight Baby Puppy in Groups. Needless to say, we were thrilled and Kyle had a new client! In 24 shows he was undefeated at breed level finishing his Canadian Championship in his first weekend of showing a just 6 months old, earning many Best Puppy in Group as well as a Group 2nd, 3rd and many Group 4ths and a Best Puppy In Show!. In his next 7 shows he did not have competition at breed level (so still undefeated). I had the pleasure of handling him at the Water tests in Sept and at 7 months old he earned his Water Dog Jr title with 3 out of 4 passes. The following two days, Sat and Sun, handled by Darren Miller, he had 4/4 passes in the Field Tests earning his Field Dog Jr title. Can't wait to see what 2020 brings for this young man.

Havelock and I, along with our fur babies will begin a new chapter in our lives as we will be putting our beautiful home in Egerton on the market and looking for something smaller and easier to maintain, but still with some property for the dogs to run.

Wishing all of you and your fur babies a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a safe and Happy New Year!

Nov 01 2018 Adult Females Retiring
We will be looking to place a few of our adult girls in the next few months. Each will have to go through their heat cycle and after a couple of months, they will be spayed. Typically when placing adults, we like to meet and spend a bit of time with families and see them interact with the dogs to see how the match might work out. We are looking for folks who have time to spend with the dog, all 3 have produced litters for us, they are Canadian Champions, hold Field Dog Jr titles and health checks have been done all before breeding. They are all used to living with other Vizslas. PLEASE NOTE: WE WILL NOT SHIP OUR ADULTS, PICK UP Dolly is a beautiful, energetic girl who has given us 3 litters. We purchased her from Calabri Vizslas in Ontario and was sired by our Drum. She is a Canadian Championship, holds a Field Dog Jr title and has a point in Canadian Field Trial - we only entered the one. She will want someone who can give her a fairly active life, she likes to point birds, spend time with her people and cuddle. She enjoys the company of other V's and gets along well with them. She is crate trained and has excellent recall. She will be 8 years old in March. She is currently finishing up her last heat cycle and is up to date on shots. Danica is the Princess of the 3. She is a full sister to Bella, but 2 years younger. She is a love bug through and through, she has a softer temperament than the other two, while she is used to living with all the other dogs, she enjoys playing with them one on one. Her favorite thing is to cuddle with anyone on the couch. She is crate trained and will be coming into season any day now. We do have 3 families currently interested in Dani. DANICA HAS A FAMILY WAITING!!. As you can see, my website is badly in need of updating. You can see pictures of the girls on our Face Book page, Egerton Registered Vizslas. You can contact me through the FB page or at

We will be looking to place a few of our adult girls in the next few months. Each will have to go through their heat cycle and after a couple of months, they will be spayed. Typically when placing adults, we like to meet and spend a bit of time with families and see them interact with the dogs to see how the match might work out. We are looking for folks who have time to spend with the dog, all 3 have produced litters for us, they are Canadian Champions, hold Field Dog Jr titles and health checks have been done all before breeding. They are all used to living with other Vizslas.


Dolly is a beautiful, energetic girl who has given us 3 litters. We purchased her from Calabri Vizslas in Ontario and was sired by our Drum. She is a Canadian Championship, holds a Field Dog Jr title and has a point in Canadian Field Trial - we only entered the one. She will want someone who can give her a fairly active life, she likes to point birds, spend time with her people and cuddle. She enjoys the company of other V's and gets along well with them. She is crate trained and has excellent recall. She will be 8 years old in March. She is currently finishing up her last heat cycle and is up to date on shots.

Danica is the Princess of the 3. She is a full sister to Bella, but 2 years younger. She is a love bug through and through, she has a softer temperament than the other two, while she is used to living with all the other dogs, she enjoys playing with them one on one. Her favorite thing is to cuddle with anyone on the couch. She is crate trained and will be coming into season any day now. We do have 3 families currently interested in Dani. DANICA HAS A FAMILY WAITING!!.

As you can see, my website is badly in need of updating. You can see pictures of the girls on our Face Book page, Egerton Registered Vizslas. You can contact me through the FB page or at

Jan 07 2018 January, 2018
What will the new year bring for Egerton Vizslas? Fern's pregnancy has been confirmed, she will be due around Jan 27th and she is growing quite round! We also hope to breed Dolly in the next month or so, then Danica in the late summer. We will get Amico and Mazie back out in the show ring in the spring and possibly Tosa, Hopefully Amico and Tosa will also get out in the field. Our two seniors, Breeze and Romeo, are continuing to hold their own, but are really minding the drop in temperatures. Both do a lot of sleeping these days, some mornings they wake up and you would think they were still pups, so full of life, other mornings they are like Havelock and I, not too spry! Bree will be 14 in March, God wiling while Ro just turned 13 in October. One of the long overdue projects we hope to get done in the next few months is an update of our website. Sightcraft Design will be helping with this endeavour so check back from time to time to see how we are doing. Mabel

What will the new year bring for Egerton Vizslas? Fern's pregnancy has been confirmed, she will be due around Jan 27th and she is growing quite round! We also hope to breed Dolly in the next month or so, then Danica in the late summer. We will get Amico and Mazie back out in the show ring in the spring and possibly Tosa, Hopefully Amico and Tosa will also get out in the field.

Our two seniors, Breeze and Romeo, are continuing to hold their own, but are really minding the drop in temperatures. Both do a lot of sleeping these days, some mornings they wake up and you would think they were still pups, so full of life, other mornings they are like Havelock and I, not too spry! Bree will be 14 in March, God wiling while Ro just turned 13 in October.

One of the long overdue projects we hope to get done in the next few months is an update of our website. Sightcraft Design will be helping with this endeavour so check back from time to time to see how we are doing.


Dec 26 2017 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
As 2017 winds down to make room for 2018 to roll in, we reminisce about all the happy times we have enjoyed with the dogs. Through them we have met so many wonderful folks. I look at Bree, the first pup born to us under the Egerton Kennel name, the only one of a litter of 5 left, she will be 14 on March 4th, God willing. Our Romeo, still as charming as ever but now without his sight, turned 13 back in October. Both still have lots of love to give and still know how to discipline the youngsters when they get too rowdy! We have been very blessed, not just with the dogs we have produced but also with the great dogs other breeders have entrusted to us. We look forward to welcoming in the New Year, and hopefully a new litter in Jan, nothing like a parcel of pups to make the winter go by! We look forward to seeing our dogs in the show ring (my health no longer allows me to show my own dogs), in the field and just running around our property enjoying life! We also look forward to meeting all the new folks who will come to meet our dogs this year, those planning on bringing one of our pups home and of course to seeing old friends who bring their dogs back for a visit with us. We would like to wish every one of you a safe and happy holiday season and all the Blessings a New Year can bring. Mabel and Have

As 2017 winds down to make room for 2018 to roll in, we reminisce about all the happy times we have enjoyed with the dogs. Through them we have met so many wonderful folks. I look at Bree, the first pup born to us under the Egerton Kennel name, the only one of a litter of 5 left, she will be 14 on March 4th, God willing. Our Romeo, still as charming as ever but now without his sight, turned 13 back in October. Both still have lots of love to give and still know how to discipline the youngsters when they get too rowdy! We have been very blessed, not just with the dogs we have produced but also with the great dogs other breeders have entrusted to us.

We look forward to welcoming in the New Year, and hopefully a new litter in Jan, nothing like a parcel of pups to make the winter go by! We look forward to seeing our dogs in the show ring (my health no longer allows me to show my own dogs), in the field and just running around our property enjoying life! We also look forward to meeting all the new folks who will come to meet our dogs this year, those planning on bringing one of our pups home and of course to seeing old friends who bring their dogs back for a visit with us.

We would like to wish every one of you a safe and happy holiday season and all the Blessings a New Year can bring.

Mabel and Have

Oct 10 2016 Dolly and Newman
Dolly and Newman have been bred, pups should arrive on Nov 26. This should be a great litter for performance in conformation and field. Tthey will also make sweet family companions.
Oct 10 2016 Jade and Newman
Jade presented us with 7 beautiful babies on Sept 28, 2 girls and 5 boys! Mom and babes are doing well. Check our FB page for pictures and updates.Egerton Registered Vizslas
Jun 15 2016 Danica/Newman pups
Danica presented us with 9 beautiful puppies on June 13, 2016. This is a sold out litter with one puppy available (breeders choice) for a Show/Performance home only. This puppy will be sold on a co-ownership. Contact me for details at
Jul 11 2015 Steel/Newman Puppies
Steel/Newman presented us with 7 lovely puppies, 3 females and 4 males. All are doing well. We do not have any available pups at this time.
Jun 23 2015 Bella/Newman Puppies ..
On June 18th Bella presented us with a litter of 10 beautiful puppies, 3 females and 7 males. This is a second litter for Bella, a first for Newman. This will also be Bella's last litter, she will be spayed and retired with her momma Blossom.

On June 18th Bella presented us with a litter of 10 beautiful puppies, 3 females and 7 males. This is a second litter for Bella, a first for Newman.

This will also be Bella's last litter, she will be spayed and retired with her momma Blossom.

Feb 17 2015 Danica/Murray Puppies
On Feb 5th Danica presented us with 7 females and 4 males, big litter for her first! All these puppies have gone to their new homes.
Nov 04 2013 Contact Information
Hotmail is now working
Aug 29 2013 Corrie Has Found A New Family!
Corrie has found a wonderful family. She will have two new parents who love the outdoors, brisk walks and running. She will also have 3 children to love her. They came to meet her and the girls played with her in the yard, she looked like she was in her element! She will go to her new home this weekend, giving her new family time to prepare for her and me time to say good bye to my sweet baby girl!
Jun 24 2013 Puppies coming!!
Dolly has been bred to River and puppies were confirmed via ultra sound. The new arrivals should arrive approximately mid July. Corrie will be bred to River in August for early winter pups.
Jan 23 2013 Blossom and Csoda
...... have presented us with 7 beautiful pups, 5 girls and 2 boys on Jan 22, 2013! This is the breeding that produced River, Kwest, Bella, Steel and Cherry so we have huge hopes for these babies!
Jan 23 2013 Congratulations to River and Richard!
.............. for achieving not only a ranking of #1 Vizsla in Canada (following in the pawprints of his Uncle Edge and Great Uncle Ranger) but also for earning his Grand Championship!
Dec 22 2012 Puppies, Puppies and more Puppies
Steel/Murray presented us with a litter of 6, 4 girls and 2 boys. These pups, although unplanned, are all sold. Piper/Murray presented us with a litter of 11, 7 girls, 4 boys. We have females available on this litter. Contact me for more information.
Dec 12 2012 River goes BIS!!
October and Nov were very exciting months for us with River taking a Best In Show and a Reserve Best In Show in PEI(HUGE thanks to Judges Joan and Melvin Beech), earning 20 straight Group placements along the way. In November he earned his CGN to complete his Grand Championship Title!!! December will be equally as exciting with Piper's pups due on Dec 21 and SUPRISE!! Steel will apparently be presenting us with a litter next week as well (sometimes that Murray can be such a Hound dog) Watch Marquee and Facebook page for announcements and pictures.

October and Nov were very exciting months for us with River taking a Best In Show and a Reserve Best In Show in PEI(HUGE thanks to Judges Joan and Melvin Beech), earning 20 straight Group placements along the way. In November he earned his CGN to complete his Grand Championship Title!!!

December will be equally as exciting with Piper's pups due on Dec 21 and SUPRISE!! Steel will apparently be presenting us with a litter next week as well (sometimes that Murray can be such a Hound dog) Watch Marquee and Facebook page for announcements and pictures.

Sep 26 2012 Atlantic Pointing Breed Field Trial and Tests
Ch Calabri Egerton's Drummer Girl - aka Dolly, won Open Derby as well as Judges Pick of the Stakes! Cherry won 1st Test, Highest Scoring FDJ with a 99, Bella won Highest Scoring FDJ Vizsla in the 2nd Test on Sat and Mr Kwest won Highest Scoring Vizsla in FDJ in the 4th Test! Miss Blossom tied for second place on the morning of the first test with a 97. All, owner handled, completed their Field Dog Junior titles!
Jul 25 2012 Frankee/Romeo pups
Frankee has given birth to 12 beautiful pups, 6 of each, ready to go week of September 17. We are now taking deposits for this litter.
Jun 29 2012 Romeo/Frankee
Exciting news! Ultra sound confirms that Frankee is indeed having pups. This litter would be due approximately July 22, ready to go 8 weeks after that.
Jun 24 2012 Romeo/Piper pups
Romeo and Piper produced 7 beautiful babes on May 23, 2012. We have 4 boys and 3 lovely little ladies. Due to a cancellation we have one female available.
Mar 19 2012 Breeding Announcement
Romeo has been bred to Piper for a repeat litter, pups would be due approx May 20 ready to go approx July 20th. Reservations are now being taken.
Mar 19 2012 Great weekend at the Show!
We would like to congratulate Richard and Reba on earning 2 Qualifying scores toward her Rally Novice, Richard/Shayla and River for his Group 4th on Sat and his Group 3rd on Sunday. Also congratulations to Shayla for finishing Dolly's Canadian Championship. Our Baby became a Champion on her 1st birthday.
Mar 02 2012 Field Trials and Tests Coming to NS
We are very pleased to be part of the newly formed Atlantic Pointing Breed Club and to announce our first Canadian Kennel Club sanctioned Field Trials and Tests to be held at the grounds of Darren Miller (Firefly Kennels) weekend of September 21, 2012!
Feb 24 2012 Blossom/Murray Pups
Blossom gave birth to 6 handsome boys and 1 beautiful little girl on Jan 18, 2012. We have one male available, ready to go on March 14, 2012
Nov 13 2011 Bree/Romeo pup is here!
Bree produced one healthy baby girl. This is her last litter, she will be spayed before her next heat cycle.
Nov 13 2011 May/June Successful Ontario Trip
We are proud to announce that Brig, Frankee and Murray all completed their Field Dog Jr titles at the Vizsla Society of Ontario Field Test! Corrie, at 9 months old, completed her FDJr title at the Vizsla Canada Field Test earning High Score with a 96 on Sunday and Fire, at just 6 months old, earned the first two legs of her FDJr.
Nov 13 2011 Piper/Romeo Pups are Here
Piper had 9 beautiful pups on March 15, 6 boys and 3 girls. We do have 2 males and 1 female (higher energy) available from this litter, ready to go May 10th. We are travelling to Ontario on May 17 and can take pup up with us to save you shipping charges. This is our last planned litter until Dec, 2011.

Piper had 9 beautiful pups on March 15, 6 boys and 3 girls. We do have 2 males and 1 female (higher energy) available from this litter, ready to go May 10th. We are travelling to Ontario on May 17 and can take pup up with us to save you shipping charges.

This is our last planned litter until Dec, 2011.

Nov 13 2011 Congratulations to Edge, Blossom and Charlee!
We are very proud to announce Edge is #1 Conformation Dog in Canada for 2010, his little sister, Blossom, finished at #2 for the second year in a row and Charlee Girl is #7 .......
Breeding for Versatility
Our conformation champions
hold field titles